Babies grow and develop at different speeds. Likewise, one baby's sleeping behavior can differ significantly from that of another. If your baby doesn't fall asleep as fast or stay asleep as long as other babies, this is definitely no reason to worry. It's actually rather rare for a baby to be able to sleep uninterrupted for several hours.
There are many reasons why your baby might wake up at night or be able to sleep during the day. For many babies, daytime sleep in particular is difficult, as the world around them is far too exciting and they want to explore everything.
However, there are also a few tips and tricks that can help your baby
fall asleep faster and sleep through the night.
How does a baby's sleep differ from that of an adult ?
To better understand your baby's sleep patterns, you should first take a look at their sleep duration and typical sleep cycle. This is because a baby's sleep cannot be compared to that of an adult.
In their first month, newborns typically need 17 to 18 hours of sleep
and do not yet know the difference between day and night. An infant
typically doesn't sleep more than three to four hours at a time and will invariably wake up and cry in between those intervals.
From the second to the sixth month, newborns slowly learn the difference between day and night. They sleep an average of 14 to 17 hours and the waking phases increasingly take place during the day. Some babies are able to develop a regular day-night rhythm from the sixth month onwards.
Babies in the seventh to ninth month sleep for about 13 to 14 hours, 11 hours of which take place at night. During the day, the amount of sleep babies need becomes shorter and shorter. When your baby is almost one year old, he or she will still need about 12 to 13 hours of sleep. In this case, nap time will only take place once or twice a day.
Sleep cycles in Babies
However, it is not only the amount of sleep that a baby needs that
differs from that of an adult, but also the sleep cycles they go through
at night.
An adult's sleep cycle lasts about one and a half to two hours, but a
baby's lasts only about 30 minutes. In addition, babies go through
several active REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases, during which they dream and wiggle around a lot.
In the REM phase, babies process the experiences of the day, thereby storing information in their memory. Of course, an adult's brain has to process more information than a baby's, but the size of our brain does not change - although it does in a baby.
The brain only grows and develops in the REM phase, so it is clear that babies need several of these. Babies wake up quickly between sleep
phases, because the transition from one sleep phase to the next acts
like an awakening stimulus for the baby's brain. Some babies find their way back to sleep on their own, but some need some help.
Especially during the day, your baby may not be able to find their way back to sleep by themselves. Throughout the day, they make new
discoveries and have new experiences for the first time. Daytime naps are also important for your baby's mental and physical development.
My baby can't sleep during the day - What can I do in such situations ?
Establish a daily routine
It can be hard for many parents if their baby simply refuses to sleep
during the day. To make it easier for your baby to find a day-night
rhythm, it is advisable to establish a regular day and evening routine.
A regular routine gives the baby security and orientation in everyday
life. How exactly you create your baby's daytime routine depends
entirely on you. However, the typical daily activities such as waking
up, eating, napping and breastfeeding should be carried out at set times which are not deviated from.
This way, your baby knows what to expect throughout the day, which gives
them the security to relax and fall asleep at the right time.
Actively shaping the day without overstimulating the child
At this stage, moving around and learning by having new experiences
promote your baby's brain development. However, you should always strive to find a good balance between movement and attention games.
Overstimulated babies have a harder time sleeping. So, be sure to find a good balance between learning, playing and spending time in the fresh air. Newborns especially should not stay awake for more than one or two hours a day at one time, otherwise they will feel overwhelmed by the many new stimuli.
Your baby will tell you by certain body signals that they are tired.
When they're tired, babies enter a quiet phase, during which they quiet down and can fall asleep more quickly. If this time is exceeded, the tiredness can end in irritable overtiredness.
These body signals can include
* glassy eyes * frowning * rubbing their eyes * fist clenching
If your children are slightly older, you can also show them educational films during the day to teach them in a playful way. However, a routine should not be missing here, either. Even if children can do without a nap, certain activities should follow a regular schedule.
Create sleep rituals
If you notice that your child gets tired during the day, you should put
them down in a darkened room as soon as possible. However, you can also
set fixed times of day when you want your baby to sleep.
It may take a little time for your baby to get used to your schedule,
and in the beginning they will probably need a little help falling
asleep. If your baby is still awake after you put them down, you should stay next to the crib for a while until they fall asleep.
You can sing a lullaby, hum or place your hand on your baby's chest.
This gives the baby a feeling of security and trust and helps them to
fall asleep.
Creating the right sleeping environment
If your baby can't not find their way to sleep during the day, their
sleeping environment might be one possible reason. Even during the day, babies should ideally sleep in a darkened room, which is kept at 16 to 18 degrees. Especially before they reach the age of one year, your baby's crib should be kept in your bedroom at night.
Furthermore, baby sleeping bags have been proven to help children fall and stay asleep. Our baby sleeping bags made with pure virgin Swiss wool filling regulate your baby's body temperature. They are also a safer alternative to blankets, as a correctly-sized baby sleeping bag can help your baby stay in a safe supine position. In addition, they can't be kicked off at night, in which case your baby will feel cold, or slip up over your baby's head, which makes it more difficult for them to breathe.
We also have baby sleeping bags for slightly older children and
breathable baby blankets.
Encouraging a baby's self-soothing
While it's alright to stay by your baby's side until they've fallen
asleep, you should also encourage them to calm down on their own. When babies wake up during the day or at night and find that their parents are no longer in the room, they can become restless and start to cry.
Though many babies fuss at night because they're dreaming or have a slight stomach ache, they often calm down again by themselves. As parents, you should therefore not run to the crib to check on your baby every time they move or make a noise. This is because your baby will quickly get used to this dynamic and won't be able fall asleep without help.
Never let your child cry or scream for several minutes, though. As soon as your baby starts crying, you should check whether they're hungry, have full nappies or have some other need.